Using ChatGPT to Assist in Creating Learning Assessments

Chen Chung Nien

Course Schedule

  • Key Concepts of ChatGPT
  • Using ChatGPT Techniques
  • Assisting in Generating Various Assessment Questions with ChatGPT

Basic Flow of the Practical Course

Explain ➞ Implement ➞ Share

Basic Flow of the Practical Course

  • Explaining ChatGPT Concepts and Techniques
  • Completing the implementation on ChatGPT within the given time as per requirements
  • Sharing the dialogue link to this form and viewing others' results.

How to Share ChatGPT Dialogue Links

Course Schedule

  • Key Concepts of ChatGPT
  • Using ChatGPT Techniques
  • Assisting in Generating Various Assessment Questions with ChatGPT

Key Concepts of ChatGPT

Sam Altman

ChatGPT 更像是一個用來推理字詞的推理引擎,而不是一個專門用來查閱的事實資料庫。

The right way to think of the models that we create is a reasoning engine, not a fact database.

abcNEWS - 2023 年 03 月專訪 Sam Altman

Key Concepts of ChatGPT

  • Textual Chaining
  • Not Asking AI but Prompting AI

Textual Chaining


Practical Time

  1. Find an article on this website.
  2. Copy an incomplete paragraph from the article.
  3. Open a new dialogue with ChatGPT.
  4. Paste it directly and submit.
  5. Share the dialogue link to this form and view others' results.



Practical Time

  1. Copy a student's article from the website

  2. Open a new ChatGPT dialogue

  3. Paste the article

  4. Press Shift + Enter to line break

  5. Add the following text below and send it:

    Below are the teacher's revision suggestions for the student's article above:
  6. Share the dialogue link to this form and view others' results.

Course Schedule

  • Key Concepts of ChatGPT
  • Using ChatGPT Techniques
  • Assisting in Generating Various Assessment Questions with ChatGPT

Using ChatGPT Techniques

Using ChatGPT Techniques

  • Avoid hallucinations ➞ Essential information that must not be mistaken should be mentioned in the prompt
  • Prevent context interference ➞ Open a different chat room for each type of prompt
  • Avoid the forgetting phenomenon ➞ Each chat room sends out the prompt only once
  • Improve chain-reaction skills ➞ Learn how to write clear prompts

Learning How to Write Clear Prompts

  • Describe the task requirements as clearly as possible
  • Use separators to mark different contents in the prompts
  • Specify the role responsible for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the word count for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the steps for completing the task in the prompts
  • Provide examples that can be referred to when completing the task in the prompts

Official Tutorial

Learning How to Write Clear Prompts

  • Describe the task requirements as clearly as possible
  • Use separators to mark different contents in the prompts
  • Specify the role responsible for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the word count for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the steps for completing the task in the prompts
  • Provide examples that can be referred to when completing the task in the prompts

Official Tutorial

Describe the task requirements as clearly as possible

Relatively Vague vs Relatively Clear

Please provide a summary of the above news:
Please list the following key points to provide a summary of the above news:
1. Why this news is important
2. The background story of this news
3. What happened in this news
4. Future developments described in this news

Relatively Vague


Relatively Clear


Practical Time

  1. Start a new conversation with ChatGPT

  2. Copy and paste news from the website, then submit the following text:

    ---> Paste the news here
    Please provide a summary of the above news and list the following key points below the summary:
    1. Why this news is important
    2. The background story of this news
    3. What happened in this news
    4. Future developments described in this news
  3. Share the conversation link to the form and view others' results.

Learning How to Write Clear Prompts

  • Describe the task requirements as clearly as possible
  • Use separators to mark different contents in the prompts
  • Specify the role responsible for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the word count for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the steps for completing the task in the prompts
  • Provide examples that can be referred to when completing the task in the prompts

Official Tutorial

Use separators to mark different contents in the prompts

Using Colons to Indicate:

Story Elements: Basketball, Superstar, Hamburger
Story Style: Fable
Writing Language: English
Other Requirements: The story must include at least one proverb

Below is a fable written according to the above requirements:

Using Colons


Use paired punctuation marks to indicate

""" Place the English article here """

Please translate the above English article into Traditional Chinese.
---> Place the English article here

Please translate the above English article into Traditional Chinese.

Paired Punctuation


Practical Time

  1. Add a new conversation, fill in two non-consecutive segments of text from the news and submit:

    ---> Place news paragraph A here
    {{Middle paragraph}}
    ---> Place news paragraph C here
    Below is the middle paragraph:
  2. Share the conversation link on this form and view other people's results.

Learning How to Write Clear Prompts

  • Describe the task requirements as clearly as possible
  • Use separators to mark different contents in the prompts
  • Specify the role responsible for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the word count for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the steps for completing the task in the prompts
  • Provide examples that can be referred to when completing the task in the prompts

Official Tutorial

Before Joining


After Joining


Practical Time

  1. Add a new conversation and fill in the following prompts:

    You are a teacher who specializes in educational psychology,
    adept at using simple and easy-to-understand examples
    to help students understand important terms.
    What is metacognition?
  2. Change to other important terms, and try different roles.

  3. Share the conversation link on this form and view others' results.

Learning How to Write Clear Prompts

  • Describe the task requirements as clearly as possible
  • Use separators to mark different contents in the prompts
  • Specify the role responsible for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the word count for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the steps for completing the task in the prompts
  • Provide examples that can be referred to when completing the task in the prompts

Official Tutorial

Add Word Count


Add Word Count


Practical Time

  1. Copy the abstract of the paper from the website.

  2. Add a new conversation and fill in the following prompt:

    Please condense the following paper content into a 50-word, easily readable traditional Chinese abstract.
    ---> Insert the paper abstract here
  3. Share link to the form and view other people's results.

Learning How to Write Clear Prompts

  • Describe the task requirements as clearly as possible
  • Use separators to mark different contents in the prompts
  • Specify the role responsible for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the word count for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the steps for completing the task in the prompts
  • Provide examples that can be referred to when completing the task in the prompts

Official Tutorial

Add Tasks


Add Tasks


Add Tasks


Practical Time

  1. Add a conversation, copy the journal abstract and complete the question:

    Please translate in three steps and print the results of each step:
    1. Directly translate based on the English content without missing any information.
    2. Based on the result of the direct translation, point out specific issues according to Chinese expression habits,
    and describe them accurately.
    3. Based on the results of the direct translation and the issues pointed out in the second step, re-translate it
    idiomatically, ensuring the original intent is preserved while making it easier to understand and more in line
    with Chinese expression habits.
    You are a professional translator, skilled at translating professional academic papers into easily understandable
    popular science articles, please follow the above strategy to translate the following English paragraph into
    traditional Chinese:
  2. Share link to the form and view other people's results.

Learning How to Write Clear Prompts

  • Describe the task requirements as clearly as possible
  • Use separators to mark different contents in the prompts
  • Specify the role responsible for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the word count for completing the task in the prompts
  • Specify the steps for completing the task in the prompts
  • Provide examples that can be referred to when completing the task in the prompts

Official Tutorial

Add Examples


Add Examples


Add Examples


Practical Time

  1. Add new dialogues, practice the following question techniques:

    Which of the following words means "to make or become
    less severe or intense"?
    (A) Aggravate
    (B) Exacerbate
    (C) Mitigate
    (D) Escalate
    Please create a question for the word “Separate” based on the example above.
  2. Share link to the form and view other people's results.

Course Schedule

  • Key Concepts of ChatGPT
  • Using ChatGPT Techniques
  • Assisting in Generating Various Assessment Questions with ChatGPT

Assisting in Generating Various Assessment Questions with ChatGPT

Using ChatGPT to Assist in Generating Various Assessment Questions

  • Generate questions based on examples
  • Incorporate additional requirements for question inspiration
  • Provide reading question sets





Practical Time

  1. Please refer to the following structure to implement hints for brainstorming multiple-choice questions.

  2. Share link to the form and view other people's results.

Using ChatGPT to Assist in Generating Various Assessment Questions

  • Generate questions based on examples
  • Incorporate additional requirements for question inspiration
  • Provide reading question sets









Practical Time

  1. Please refer to the following structure to implement prompts that help provide inspiration for question creation.

    Question Focus:
    Knowledge Points:
    You are a school teacher skilled in creating questions. Please refer to the knowledge points
    and question focus to generate 5 multiple-choice questions in Traditional Chinese, along
    with their answers and detailed explanations, each from a different direction of questioning.
  2. Share link to the form and view other people's results.

Using ChatGPT to Assist in Generating Various Assessment Questions

  • Generate questions based on examples
  • Incorporate additional requirements for question inspiration
  • Provide reading question sets















Practical Time

  1. Please refer to the following structure to implement prompts that assist in generating reading questions.

    Article Requirements:
    Question Format:
    Execution Steps:
  2. Share link to the form and view other people's results.

Sam Altman

ChatGPT 更像是一個用來推理字詞的推理引擎,而不是一個專門用來查閱的事實資料庫。

The right way to think of the models that we create is a reasoning engine, not a fact database.

abcNEWS - 2023 年 03 月專訪 Sam Altman
